The Kalia Foundation & Polynesian Seafaring Center
The Kalia Foundation is a non-profit organization developed to preserve and extend the Polynesian Seafaring tradition.
The Foundation’s purpose is to support a variety of projects through a Seafaring Center in the Kingdom of Tonga. The Center will restore and maintain the MILLENIUM KALIA [pictured here], conduct research on Polynesian Seafaring techniques, voayaging, educate a new generation in Polynesian seafaring methods, and develop high technology sailing vessels based on traditional Polynesian designs.
The Tongan Seafaring Center runs entirely on grants and private donations. Please consider making a donation to help keep it running.
The Center is operated by the Kalia Foundation – a non-profit [U.S. 501(c)(3)] organization. All donations are completely tax deductible.
For more information, see our Donations Page or contact:
The Kalia Foundation USA
4515 SW Natchez Ct
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
As of Tuesday August 24th, that’s Monday in the US, all systems are go for the world speed trial campaign. Mark Belvedere and Stephen Mann have splashed the Proa and had an afternoon of sailing. She performed well in 12 knots of wind off the coast of Uiha in the Ha’apai group in Tonga.
The base of operations for the speed trial is the Esi-a-maafu Homestay in the village of Filamea on Uiha. This is the home of Kailoni and her family. Crew can be reached here at 676 11809. Richard Ellison from the WSSR in Weymouth in England is scheduled to arrive on September 2nd. Trials will begin on the 3rd and run through the 6th of September.
Winds have been rather light and variable. Hoping for consistent trade winds from the southeast to accomodate the 500 meter course. A carving of wind God Tongaloa Tu Tu has been installed on the shore for this purpose.
Interesting links..
- Pacific Pro
- PVS-Hawaii
•Tongan Kalia Project - The Lahaina Restoration Foundation
Kalia Foundation USA
4515 SW Natchez Ct
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
Phone: 503-475-2305
Email Us